
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lovely old photos I got for my Birthday

My friend Lydia really set me up for my birthday. She knows exactly the way to my heart. These are the old photos she gave me in a beautifully hand decorated box that I adore.
Lovely family in an old car. I love the look on the little boys face on the right. Too cute!
A little German girl, just adorable.
Such a darling little girl all dressed up for tea!
and a couple of really neat tin type photos
I really like the texture on this one how it is cracked and aged. Awesome!

Thanks Lydia! And now all of you have these photos for use in your artwork as well!


  1. How very sweet of you to share your BDay gift. And what a precious gift it was indeed. THANK YOU to both of you!!!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday & celebrate all month long! Charlene

  2. What great photos! Thank you for sharing them!
    Happy Birthday!

  3. A very Happy Birthday to you Thespa. Such sweet photos from your sweet friend. Thank you for sharing them. Happy Birthday...

  4. LOVE old photos, and am constantly on the scout for them. You really hit the jackpot!

  5. Wonderful old photos! What a nice friend.

  6. Happy Birthday! What a lovely gift from your friend, and you are sharing it with all of us! Thank you so much for that.

  7. what amazing photos !!! happy birthday !!
    thanks for your sweet blog comment !!

  8. I love the old photos! What a nice blog. I am now following you on GFC. Will be back to visit. I want to grab the American flag button too. Would love a visit and follow back when you have time. Come on over to the farm and sit a spell!


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