
Friday, December 17, 2010

One World One Heart 5th & Final EVENT!

I am so excited to share this news. Lisa Swifka over at A Whimsical Bohemian Blog is hosting the One World One Heart Event again this year. 
It is a great way to meet new bloggers and make new friends and win a few "door Prizes" too LOL. 
I participated last year and had such a wonderful time.
If you want to participate go check out the rules...

I will be coming up with something really special for this years give away as this will be the last year this event will be happening. 
Thanks so much Lisa for the opportunity to join and for all your hard work as our host.


  1. Thespa,

    Sounds like fun! I will have to check it out. Have a great weekend!

  2. I am so looking forward to this. I found out about it too late to participate the last time. Going to take part this time round though.

  3. Thespa, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!


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