
Monday, February 28, 2011

Frightening experience last night explained Today.

Last night we were having some heavy storms in Northwest Arkansas and when that happens my husband and I always keep an eye on the weather as we live in a trailer house and it's a good idea to know if there are tornadoes possible. Well Rodney and I went to bed about 10:30 and around 11 pm the roof shifted and made a creaking noise that made us both shoot straight up out of bed, both of us immediately thought it was a tornado and got up to watch the weather. Watched the weather and decided everything was ok, but still freaked out about the noise our roof made as we had never heard it do that before. 
Come to find out today there was an earthquake in central Arkansas last night about 11 pm a 4.7 magnitude. and that was what Rodney and I felt. It has been felt up to 500 miles from the center.

Strange things are afoot beneath the surface in the Ozarks...
Earthquakes like this are NOT normal for us, at least not for us in NW Arkansas, this is the first one I've ever felt and have lived here all my life.

update: Yahoo News...


  1. It's funny , I woke up at 11 last night and thought it was the storm that woke me up, but after hearing the news this morning , I'm not so sure it was the storm.

  2. It sounds very scary. We have a steel roof and it can make the weirdest sounds. The ice on the lake shifts and moans and sings. Mother Nature has awesome forces. So glad you are okay.

  3. Those thunderstorms have been moving through my area for several hours today...looks like it's about gone for us. I'm in the Tennessee Smokies. I've lived in earthquake country during my life and it's a weird sensation and to be woke up by one is very scary.

    Looks like that major fault line that runs along Memphis may have expanded more than we know about..there are so many faults in the south that no one is aware just don't think of us being at risk of earthquakes. There was a small tremor not far from me last year.

    But to have these thunderstorms going on and then an earthquake to occur is very very odd indeed! Glad you are safe and sound and hope no damage happened to your roof.

    I'm new to your nice to meet you..hope you'll drop by to visit me too. ♥

    Stephanie ♥

  4. Very thankful you are safe and have no damage. Happy creating...

  5. That had to be sooo scary! My husband and I live in a modular home and I get worried sometimes in the far as things happening that usually dont, I think there is no "normal", how people act, employers caring about employees....don't get me started! But times...they are achangin'.....

  6. So glad your ok. I'm from Missouri and remember having a basement with a tornado room for us to run into. I think i'll stay here in Utah! My prayers are with you.

  7. Oh I'm so glad to hear you and your hubby are OK. Even here in California the earthquakes still rattle my nerves. I hope you don't get anymore. You header is beautiful!! Love it with the background :)


  8. We are so lucky here in the UK that we very seldom have earthquakes and, if we do, they are very small. That must have been very scary but I'm glad you are ok.

  9. Thats scary, weather it be a tornado or earthquake they both give me the hebbie jeebies. Glad everything is O.K.
    hugs Lynn


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