
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lights! Camera! Action!

While helping my friend clean out her garage this weekend (so we can have a yard sale to raise money for our birthday, that we share) we came across these track lights. 3 tracks and 9 lights all in working order. She said she didn't have a place to put them so they were going into the yard sale. I said, MINE! Not really, I offered to pay for them and she said no just take them, so I did. Thank you Lydia! 

So I took them home and put them up in my studio! I think they look great, it certainly brightened up the room A LOT! Recycled and Reused, I have loved working with the theme! Still have to add the trim to the ceiling obviously, and I put the outlet cover on after I took this picture. I also shortened the chandeleir cord and put a new plug on it so there isn't all that excess wire hanging down. My youngest daughter came in and said it looks like stage lights like they have at school. LOL. 


  1. That's so fantastic! Gotta have good light in your studio, I'm so impressed with all your re-purposed you, I love to save $$$$ when I can. Now everytime you look around your studio you'll remember how much you saved....:).

  2. Everything is really coming together so nicely. And to think you are doing this on a recycle, reuse smart plan. You are getting close to the finish line...

  3. I have those same lights, they work great for showcasing pieces! Awesome find


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