
Monday, September 12, 2011

Some Pretties and Some Progress!

 Found these wonderfully aged goodies as a yard sale all piled up in a box with a bunch of other trim. I wound them all on some really old clothes pins I've had for a while. Love the old pearls that were in the box too.
 This roll of old sequin trim was in the box as well, love how it's all perfectly aged with it's own patina. And the spool has some neat old graphics on it too.

 After an almost unanamous vote for the music sheets on the wall, I went with it. Thanks for all your help. I used spray adhesive on the backs of the pages to adhere them all to the wall.
 During the process.

 Finished sticking the sheets on. And I'm now working on designing some wainscot for the bottom section.
 I also used wood putty to fill the gap in my workbench. Then sanded it after it was dry.

After that I used the spray adhesive to put down the music sheets on my work bench as well.
I sprayed them with polyurethane to seal them. They look all nice and shiny now.
You can see the trim I got to put on the front edge of the workbench. It's going to look so cute! Can't wait to get that project done.


  1. Super fun wallpaper idea. Sheet music will always be such a conversation starter. It looks really great on your work table also. You must be over the moon happy to be making such huge progress.

  2. That turned out great! How did you like using the spray adheisive? When I did something similar, I used wallpaper paste. It was a bit of a mess.

  3. Ohhhh Love the music sheet idea, your really making your studio you own!


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