
Monday, December 5, 2011

Busy busy busy...

 It's been a crazy couple of weeks, a whirlwind if you will. I have gotten a lot of things accomplished lately but not much pertaining to the opening of my new store (although Friday night I did get a few more ornaments soldered). Sorry to keep everyone waiting. 
Saturday my uncle David Merrifield came over to photograph my studio for my magazine article. He spent hours taking pictures for it. These are just a few shown here. I LOVE how they turned out.

Sunday was a crazy day for me as well. I completely disassembled my laptop in order to replace the fan (something I've never done before). I replaced the top screen of a DS Lite game system (who knew soldered jewelry techniques would come in so handy). (both items are now working great!) I made a skirt from scratch for a band performance. I did the grocery shopping. I sewed patches on some shirts for work. And I put the finishing touches on my magazine article. Whooo! 
I'm focusing this week on making things for my store, no matter what! LOL

Happy Holidays to you all. Hugs!

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