
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Old Man in the tree greets Spring!

Do you see him? Who? The Old Man. What old man? The Old Man in the tree...
Can't see him?
How about now...
Ohhhh, I see, sort of...
Ok Now I KNOW you can see him...
Say hello to the Old Man. He lives in a Hedge Apple Tree, also known as Osage Orange, Hedge, Boadark and many other names.
He's a jolly Old Man who lives in my front yard. Isn't he great! And he is greeting spring with all it's beauty and color...
 The meadow leading up to the Old Man (you can see him there, way down at the end) Isn't it just the most magical and beautiful place?) I love it here in spring. This used to be an old homestead, when I was a kid there was a really old house standing here where Mrs. Pain lived. She was awesome and had the most beautiful long silver hair that I always wanted when I grew up, I'm 38 now and still waiting, I think I have like 2 gray hairs on my whole head (I know some women are like, what? But I'm still waiting for that long silver hair, lol) She used to sit and brush it and brush it and brush it, it was really LONG. She planted those pretty purple/blue flowers and they have gone wild and cover most of the area where her house was. I think she would be proud that they are doing so well. 
I also love all the Red Bud trees that have gone crazy, this is a bit past their prime bloom time so they aren't as great as they were a week ago, but still pretty.

And a pretty wild flower growing on the path up to the front of the yard...
I wish I knew more about plants, but I'm a black thumb and kill pretty much anything I try to grow, so I do truly LOVE spring when mother nature does all the work for me. :)

We got our now strawberry bed put in last weekend with the help of a friend. Yeah my husband does most of the garden tending (black thumb over here remember?)

I can however manage to grow succulents and cactus, I am able to at least do that and I found some really pretty succulents at the Home Depot to start my garden.
Planted a boot garden...
It will go in the garden by the studio after we get it paved with bricks.

And apparently I can also grow Wisteria, and too closely to the house it seems. We keep hacking it back and hacking it back, nothing fazes this plant. But look at the gorgeous blooms! This is the first year in 3 years that the frost hasn't killed the blooms before they opened. I'm truly enjoying it!
I mean look at it! Is there anything more wonderful that an fully ripe bunch of Wisteria blooms! lol. 
Happy Spring everyone!


  1. Oh I LOVE all the signs of Spring around your place. It was unseasonably warm here for the past few weeks; sadly that has turned to wild, cold rain and a possibility of snow! Yikes! I shall dream of your view instead.

    I adore the "boot garden"!

  2. I love turtledoves.
    I have one myself, as a pet.She is called Door Dartel.
    Lovely pictures.


  3. Hi Thespa,
    Love springtime at your house. And I wish I had an old man in my front yard. So sweet. I am sure loads of fairies can be found at twilight in your front garden.

    So much fun looking at all you have going on. Glad you got a new camera. Take care, I am trying to take advantage of our warmer spring and getting my yardwork done, that means much less time drooling over blogs.

    Hope you are all well. How's George?


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