
Friday, August 31, 2012

A word...or two on comment moderation...

Are you annoyed by those pesky little "confirm you are a person" codes that you have to type in to leave a comment on a blog?
You won't find any of those on my blog, because I can't stand them.
When I visit someone's blog I want to be able to leave a comment as quickly and easily as I try to make it on my blog.
Lately the blogger security codes have become almost impossible to decifer.
Has anyone else noticed this?
Have you, like me, given up trying to leave a comment after trying to type in the correct code more than 3 times?
The letters are so tiny and scrunched together and blurred out you can't make heads or tales of them. (and I have a big computer screen) 
So you leave a great blog that you really wanted to comment on without any evidence of having been there.
My advise to anyone who is newer to the whole blog experience is to drop that part of the whole securty process. You may well start getting much more feedback than you did before. Feedback that you were missing out on because of the aggrivation factor.
It's like saying, hey, I'm here but good luck climbing over that giant security wall to say hi to me.
It really puts people off, at least it does me. (anyone else?)
Yes there are those pain in the rear spammers or blog stalkers but this is how I take care of that...
I have any comments posted to my blog automatically forwarded to my email. I can see them instantly. If someone leaves an undesirable comment or spam comment I can then delete them quickly and easily with no problems.
Or better yet leave the security codes behind and enable comment moderation. Then you can choose which comments get published before they are out for everyone to see.
Also if you are an artist, or you are selling things, make getting in touch with you an easy process as well. Whether through a disposable email account or through an "email me" form on your google profile. You never know who is out there wanting to talk to you.
(please please please link some type of email to your Google profile, then when you leave a comment somewhere, we can reply back to you directly from email)
Communication is a good thing. :)
Anyway, these are my thoughts on the matter.
My hope is that this info will help someone just starting out, and those of us who have been here a while, to have a more full and enjoyable experience on Blogger, and to make it easier for us all to become fast friends.
Soapbox put away.
What do you think about this topic?


  1. Commenting is easy when you don't have security codes to type in. :)

  2. Somebody just recently left a message on my blog that they would leave messages more often but they just can't read the security code to type it. I had been thinking about changing it and you have convinced me!!

    Love your blog, btw!

  3. Yes!!! I have been thinking this exact same thing. I have tried to comment on several blogs and after getting the security words wrong after 3 tries I gave up. Very frustrating. I believe mine is disabled at least I thought so. So feel free to leave hassle free comments on my blog! Lol.

  4. Great post Thespa! I totally agree!

  5. As much as I love my blogger friends who have that moderation in place, I usually do not comment. Too frustrating!

  6. I thought it was just my eyes that couldn't decipher those letters/numbers! I got some spam comments before so now i have comment moderation because of a few bad apples. I don't like typing in those codes so no one has to on my blog. Sometimes i just don't feel like jumping through hoops just to leave a comment.


  7. That's hysterical! I thought, "oh man I've gotta get my eyes checked out". I never seem to be successful in leaving comments. I'm glad I'm not alone in my frustration. ~Lexi

  8. Oh good! It's not just me! Those codes are so frustrating!

  9. Im with you I HATE having to enter those scrunched letters. There was a time where I didn't leave a comment because after 5 times I still couldn't get it right.

  10. I can so relate, hate those things.
    I keep thinking it must be me and my eyes are getting worse in my old age. LOL
    I just screen my comments first. so much better.

  11. Yes - such a pet peeve and they do seem to be getting harder. I have "walked" away from leaving comments because of it. I am a first time visitor to your blog...stopping by to say hi and congratulations on being selected for the ice resin team! Your spoon necklace is lovely! Looking forward to seeing more of your creations.

  12. I simply delete and report spam as it comes in. Some days 4-5 then others none at all for weeks. No big deal!


I love comments!