Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stuck Again! - Dead stop!

Found this old postcard and I just couldn't pass it by. Made me smile. 
I instantly thought of how my many creative works are at a standstill. 
Haven't finished one lately. Really feeling the pressure inside build, must let out creativity before I burst!

And the back of the postcard was blank making it perfect for journaling. Free for your use.
You can see that I paid $1.00 for it. LOL

Have a very Happy Day!


Auntie Cake said...

That is adorable! I so wish I had a good printer, with an unlimited supply of ink. (Don't seem to ever have either!!!)

I love that tiny tack sticking out! Too cute. You need to make up an award with that image on it! I dare say most of us feel that way sometimes!!! Like me, today!!!

Melissa Valeriote said...

I can soooo relate to being creatively stuck. For some reason 2010 has me feeling quite challenged. Here's hoping the creative juices start flowing in abundance :} Love the postcard!

Shell said...

Some times that just the way it is and then one day you get tons done! I'm sure the creative fairies will be back soon!

Thank you for the postcard back! It's perfect, I was actually going to email Karen at GF and see if she had one. Yours is JUST right!

I have to confess a love for vintage and antique postcards...they are quite fun! Sometimes what is written on the back is even more entertaining than the card itself.

"Ester, we got a new milker this week. Have a happy Birthday."

And the Addresses: Louise Parker
Cherrywood Lane

Too fun! My creative juices aren't too bad, unfortunately been home sick for 5 days now,and I'm getting kranky!


Upcoming events...

I have some VERY Exciting news to share soon. Can't wait to spill the beans!