Monday, March 1, 2010

Stuck in the 1920's - Graphic 45 - Giveaway!

Since my last post (which was too too long ago) my brain has been stuck wirling around the 1920's, I've also been very busy creating new projects with the most fabulous Graphic 45 papers. If you are not familiar with Graphic 45 papers (aside from hiding under a rock somewhere) you've been missing out on the most wonderful vintage style goodness you ever did see. I started out last weekend and the beginning of last week working on some mixed media projects to share with you but when I read that Graphic 45 was looking for new design team members I decided to give it a shot. (Like I didn't have enough on my plate) But their products are so inspiring to me, I just had to participate, even if I don't make it I have reaffirmed my joy in creating and sharing as I'm giving away one of the projects I made this past weekend on Friday. More details at the end of this post...
but wait! There's more....Here are a few of the projects I made...

My most favorite project and the one that turned out better than my sketches (which is extremely rare)

1920's style paper Cloche Hat with Paper Flowers (I told you I was stuck in the 1920's) Made with
Graphic 45 paper...
The design for the hat was all me, I pulled some pictures of vintage hats off the internet and made this up as I went along, (The paper flowers were made using a pattern for coffee filter roses off Martha Stewart dot com)
There is a download .pdf pattern there, I reduced the size before printing to get these smaller versions and used sewing patterns and paper instead of coffee filters.

Some bird ornaments using my own pattern. I'm working on a tutorial for these to share with you this coming week, with printable patterns and instructions as well.

A layered vintage style calendar using "Domestic Goddess" G45 papers
This is also my own design. I love how this turned out, it was a lot of fun.

I made 15 projects this weekend and I'm beat! 

Leave me a comment telling me what you accomplished this weekend, (or what you wanted to and didn't) and I'll draw a name on Friday to recieve one of the bird ornies I made. 

Thanks for visiting! Hope your day is productive!


Auntie Cake said...

I so can not wait for your birdie tutorial!!! And you made 15 projects this weekend??? 15? You are my hero! And I so hope you get on the design team, you totally deserve to be. I loved all your projects that you shared, that hat is adorable, once again, it looks filled with your small details and touches. SIGH, you are so talented. You sweet calendar is also adorable.

What did I do this weekend? I finally cleaned up my kitchen! That is miraculous, and got everyone to their hockey games, and folded a mountain of laundry. I would much rather have been creating.

Have a great Monday, and I am so hoping you will show us all the other projects you did? And was hubby also working his magic?

Tarnished Rose said...

Well, though hampered by a cervical collar, I complete three of six ATCs needed for a swap, painted a birdhouse windchime, and made several bracelets for my Etsy shop. I also decoupaged a cannister in photocopied vintage music, coffee staining it to look like the real thing and then applied vintage cutouts. It may or may not end up on Etsy. I think it's cute. So, that's what I got done!

Tarnished Rose said...

OH PS> Love the cloche!

Debby said...

So many beautiful goodies. I accomplished nothing, Olympic fever here. I am glad it is over, I need a

Lululiz said...

The cloche hat is just amazing, you are so incredibly talented.
I didn't finish anything this weekend, sigh. I was so torn between two designs for a gift for my mum, a lavender pillow featuring a photograph of her aged 15, I needed help from my blogger friends. I got lots of opinions and good advice , so now I am all set to get it done!

Lori said...

OMG! FIFTEEN projects! Holy Smokes, even on a good week I couldn't do that many, and make them look presentable. These are FANTASTIC! Good luck! Can't wait to see the tutorial!

Anonymous said...

This weekend was a complete bust for me: I meant to make a masterboard for an upcoming class, but nothing I made looked good. You, on the other hand had an amazing weekend. Did you steal all my creative mojo? If so, please send it back!

lidybug said...

I love how the hat turned out! The flower is beautiful! You have to teach me that one. You got your second wind.. all 15 done WHEW! I cant wait to see them all! I have to do something soon .. every time I come to your house I get the itch..You inspire me every time!

Thespoena McLaughlin said...

lidybug, we are so doing stained glass jewelry next time we get together.

Something Special said...

I hope my day is productive too. I love the hat and love the last piece you did. You are so very creative. You remind me of me the way you think. I am also having a giveaway at my new scrapbooking blog. Come visit me at I would love to be entered into your giveaway too.

Sandy said...

I am stunned by the paper hat!!!! Genius! LOVE IT!

I finished up tags for a swap I am in plus made up a hostess gift, did some design work for a few new projects, completed a project for consideration of publication, packaged up some orders, and worked on a tutorial for my blog. I think I need a break!

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

You are incredible! It is ONE thing to devise a 2D pattern, but to creat a 3D actual HAT, amazing! It's absolutely beautiful!!!!


Upcoming events...

I have some VERY Exciting news to share soon. Can't wait to spill the beans!