Sunday, February 17, 2013

52 Week Money Challenge

This post is completely unrelated to art but I had to share because I think it's a great idea!
While browsing that most amazing yet time absorbing websit Pinterest I came across a pin for the 52 Week Money Challenge.
to find out more about this idea.
I was completely inspired by the idea of everyone saving the same amount of money for 52 weeks and all the support we can all give each other to keep going.
It's really the push I need to try to save. I don't know if I will be able to make it all the way to the end but I'm going to try to participate as long as I can.
So today I made my money "jar". Something to match my decor so I can see it everyday, but not a clear jar so it's not obviously a big jar of money sitting out for everyone else to see.
I printed out a vintage font from the web, photo copied it, and then used CitraSolv to transfer the image onto this antique tin. 52 to remind me of the 52 Week Money Challenge, hidden yet in plane sight. My money saving checklist is printed out and put inside the tin with my money.
Maybe you would like to save too?


Auntie Cake said...

Hey Thespa,
Hope all is well with you and your family. Grea idea about the saving. I have been saving my five dollar bills. I don't miss them when I get them, but they add up quickly. Unfortunately, I often find myself in emergency situations, and have to borrow from the fund. I think I need to deposit them in a different savings account. Good luck with your plan. I found staying away from Michael's during the month of January made my funds go a lot further!!!

Have a great week,

BucksCountyFolkArt said...

I've seen this before on where the goal is to save every $5 bill that comes your way. On a one-income budget, we're just as likely to save every $100 bill that comes in! We just can't afford it. But, these money jars are great ways to save loose change. We had a huge jar just for collecting smaller change. It's good because you drop it in and forget about it. Well we hit one particularly hard week and desperately needed money, that's when I remembered our change. Taking it to the bank and hoping for at least $50-$75, we can home with almost $300! Food shopping taken care of! We now put in dimes and nickels too, saving quarters for tolls. It adds up quick.

Lady Locust said...

I so love this idea! I think I will start March 1 - only a week away. Just enough time to come up with a 'jar' of some sort:) I will keep you posted. I love your creations by the way. Unique, stylish, but still completely wearable (some folks' creations are just a little too out there.) Love your blog.

Adrienne DeVine, Artist #adevineartist said...

I started this at the beginning of the year and my four (adult) children are also taking the challenge.

I think it's a great idea!

Lady Locust said...

Hello there,
I put my first dollar in the jar Friday and can hardly wait until this next Friday so I can put 2 dollars in. Just wanted to say thank you - one more reason to love Fridays:)

Donna said...

Thanks for posting this! I came to look at jewelry, through the Bead Soup blog, and now I have signed up for both of your blogs, I'm following you on Pinterest, and I've decided to save some money! You're da bomb, girlfriend!! Can't wait so sit down and look at all your posts!

Upcoming events...

I have some VERY Exciting news to share soon. Can't wait to spill the beans!