Friday, April 19, 2013

A little help for a couple wounded in Boston...

Like everyone I've been following the Boston Bombing and have been so saddened by what happened there. If you have ever heard of Nine Degrees of Separation I had a moment like that this week. 
My cousin whom I recently posted about her wonderful cookies that were needing a vote in my last blog post, 
posted a link on her FB page. 
Her husband's friends, a husband and wife recently married and starting their lives together, were both severely injured in the legs when the bombing in Boston occurred.

Patrick and Jess

 Lots of prayers going out to you both and to your families. We're all thinking about you.

I wanted to help so I did, and if you want to help I'm passing this link on to you as well. 
They seem like very nice, very sweet people and you can read more about them at the link below. 
I didn't have much I could give but I gave something and every little bit adds up. If you are unable to give you can leave words of encouragement and support. I know your prayers will be very welcome.
This is what was recently posted on the fundraiser site...
Your support in just 24 hours is overwhelming, there are no words to describe what your outpouring of kindness and generosity means to our family as Patrick and Jess start their long road to recovery.
At this point, we do not know what all the costs associated with Patrick and Jess's full recovery will be (between prosthetics and home modifications, etc.), but we want them to have enough to not worry about the financial implications of what has happened. We've increased the fundraising goal and if we raise more money than Patrick and Jess need, we have no doubt that they will be conscious of the other people affected by all of this.
For many of us, Monday's events shook our faith in humanity.  But a quick look at the outpouring of support from friends and strangers -- both in the immediate aftermath and now here on this site -- restores it.
Thank you,
The Downes and Kensky Family 


BettyCupcakes said...

Thespa- you have such a generous spirit. I hope we can meet one day.

Laurie said...

This is SO AWESOME! It warms my heart.

Upcoming events...

I have some VERY Exciting news to share soon. Can't wait to spill the beans!