Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Proud Momma Waving Her Paint Covered Hands, OVER HERE!

Just found out that my youngest daughter Abbi took 1st Place for second grade in the Arkansas State Art Competition!
Yeah Abbi! I'm so proud of my little artist!
 Abbi with her art at the regional level.
Abbi's "really old tree house next to a really old broken down fence"
I'm pretty sure she nailed it!
 I mean LOOK at that TEXTURE!

A great big thank you to Susan Jones! Abbi's art teacher. What an interesting technique!
Thank you for helping Abbi embrace her creativity and for giving her this opportunity. 
She really needed this.


Anvil Artifacts said...

Way to go, Abbi! Beautiful painting!

Karen B. said...

It looks amazing! Well done!
Karen B. ~ Todolwen

Peggy Parker said...

Well, I should think so! That is amazing, Abbi - keep creating!

BettyCupcakes said...

That is gorgeous! Such talent so young- definitely her
Mamas daughter!

Lori said...

How cool is that?? Congrats Abbi, it's gorgeous!

Auntie Cake said...

Love it Abbi! Congrats on your awesome achievement!

You will have to give us all a tutorial someday!

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