Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Spellbinders Design Team Competition - Final Round!

Hey all!
Just had to share my news!
I made it to the final round in the Spellbinders Design Team Competition!

I'm so excited and honored to be chosen to continue. Spellbinders will be sending us some of their die sets to be used on a scrapbook layout that will be judged for the final round. I've got all sorts of ideas, but I'll have to wait and see what they send to really plan out a page. 
Go see who the other finalists are at the Spellbinders blog...


Lori said...

Huge congrats Thespa! Good luck!

Katalina Jewelry said...

How exciting, Thespa! Congrats and good luck to you! :)

fairyrocks said...

Way to Go !! You do the nicest most interesting things. I hope you get a chance to share your creativity on a much bigger scale !! Well done indeed.

Yvonne said...

Congrats on making it to the finals!
Hope we can meet in Arizona!

Cibele Glazer said...

Congrats! Good luck in the final round. Your work is amazing!!

Susie Bentz: My Time to Play said...

Congrats! I have been browsing your blog and I really love your style. I am new to this kind of thing, but I have been playing with Ice Resin so I may link up to your party tomorrow...

Best of luck in the final round!

ornate splendor said...

Congratulations! How excited you must be! : ) I am always in awe of your creations-- they give me constant inspiration! Catherine

Auntie Cake said...

A big congrats to you! You deserve it! Can't wait to see what you make!
Enjoy the weekend,

Larissa Heskett said...

CONGRATS!! Looking forward to seeing who makes the final cut!! ;) I bet you'll make the team because they need an Ice Resin Pro!! Have a Fabulous Weekend!! ;)

Upcoming events...

I have some VERY Exciting news to share soon. Can't wait to spill the beans!