Thursday, February 4, 2010

Freecycle is your friend! BE GREEN & Creative Ideas

Sorry I don't have any photos to share, I always love posts with photos because I'm a very visual person, but I'm stuck at work with no camera card. So here I go...

Yesterday I posted about my love of vintage trunks and their many creative and practical uses. Yesterday evening I went to my Freecycle page to put a wanted post for an old steamer trunk, and guess what? Somebody in the next town over said she had one her parents used in the 50's when they went to do missionary work. It's been in her barn and she said I could have it. I'm so excited! I can't wait to go pick it up this weekend.

I have found all kinds of things for Free off of Freecycle, like guitar amps, couches and chairs, clothing, etc. I've also given away a lot of things on Freecycle as well, like a broken refrigerator, clothing, junk from the toy box, and much more.

Now if you've never heard of Freecycle you are in for a treat. It is a national dot COM where you can go and post things you want to give away for free and you can post wanted adds for things you would like to find for free. Everything is FREE! No selling nor offering to buy. It was established through Yahoo groups with the idea that we could keep lots of "stuff" out of landfills by giving it away to our neighbors. 
You know the old saying "One mans trash is another mans treasure." 

Go to to sign up, no adds, no spam, no fees, just good FREE fun. You can sign up for a local freecycle group near you and you will only see adds for the groups you post to.

Now onto my creative thoughts, Somerset has posted some new calls for submission. There is a call from Art Doll Quarterly asking for art dolls made of metal.
I'm not really a "doll maker" but I will never descriminate against any craft, I'll try anything. So the doll made of metal got me to thinking and has awakened the crafter in me that thrives with a challenge, for some reason I do my best and most creative work when the word "challenge" is before me. Also the words "try this" and "unique technique" spurr the same giddiness in my crafty little soul. 

So with my recent art quilt themed Marie Antoinette fresh in my mind (perhaps a pic or two of that coming this weekend), I've decided to make a Marie themed metal art doll for the call. I've been scetching and doing inventory in my head of all the metal things I have at home to create with. I have a pretty good idea how to proceed but as with all my artworks the end product may not be what I sketch out now. But we'll see....

Hope you have a very happy day!


Something Special said...

I have looked over your blog, and well I love it. I have a sweet little giveaway going on over at my blog right now. Come check it out. I have had so much inspiration from visiting your blog, and I just became a follower. WoW!

Teresa said...

freecycle is a wonderful place for a community, although my experience with my first 2 groups was wonderful, where I live now is just awful! so, it really depends on where you live and the hope that you have a nice moderator who is not about "control" - cheers!

Upcoming events...

I have some VERY Exciting news to share soon. Can't wait to spill the beans!