Monday, January 2, 2012

Three's Company - Art Inspired by the way back machine...

 I had the most productive 1st day of the year yesterday. My muse has finally come to visit and inspired me to get my hiney in gear. I finished a mixed media painting and I worked on a cute little paper art doll that I will share tomorrow.

 I titled it Three's Company, do you remember that show? So funny and so hopeful, that's what I feel when I look at this piece, hopeful for a year filled with possibilities,fun...
and rusty metal finds of all kinds. lol
Happy New Year you guys!


Unknown said...

I adore it! YOU are my kinda artist. Funky and unusual...God given talent. Love it. Tiffany

Elly said...

I'm really in love with the background texture and colour. Together with your rusty metall pieces it's just stunning.
Happy New Year (:o)

Kathy said...

This is fabulous, I love the colors.
I played with canvas and cheesecloth and my outcome was NOT Great concept and I love the elements you gathered.

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Happy New Year!!!

Your creations are always spectacular!!!


art by wendy said...

very nice! I love anything with rusty metal!

Laurie said...

It is gorgeous!

Kathy McElroy said...

Love this!

Upcoming events...

I have some VERY Exciting news to share soon. Can't wait to spill the beans!