Thursday, January 12, 2012

Phewww! I'm beat...

 If you remember in my last post, I told you that I was rearranging things so that I could hang a door on my wall. Well here it is...
 I had one old door and parts of another one. I took one of the sides of the parts door and cut the edge off then screwed it to the top of the full door to make a small shelf, then hung it sideways on my studio wall.
Don't you just love the old hardware keyhole on this door! LOVE IT!

No the door isn't going to be bare for long, wait for it....

I got to hang my mirror, finally! I have admired the wire work that I've seen on the Sassy Trash Blog and have wanted to make a wire setting to hold my mirror and finally got it done today. Though mine isn't as cool as her work, I like it lots.

After that I got a couple of finials put on the corners of my desk -see how cute they are! I got my artwork hung and decided that my upper shelf would hold my published artwork and corresponding magazines. (only to realize I can't find half of them...)
I got to make some of the sewing pattern tissue pom poms I've wanted to make for forEVER! Even made a couple of wire hangers shaped like flowers to attach them to the ceiling. LOVE!
And after THAT, I got some artwork hung on the walls. YEAH!
 Oh and since we're in the sewing area I wanted to show you what I got for Christmas, my first ever brand spanking NEW sewing machine, before this my newest one was 20 years old, lol. and my other two are 30 and 40 years old. And they all work great but they are loud.
I also recieved this sewing machine cover and pad from my mother in law. She makes the cutest stuff! LOVE IT!
So that's about it. Got lots done and I'm really happy with the result. (Yes I do realize that half that door space is empty, but I haven't figured out yet what I'm doing with that space so I'm leaving it blank) :)
So the wind is blowing like crazy and it's cold outside right now. Perhaps it'll snow a little tiny bit? We'll have to wait and see. So wierd. Last year we got 4 foot of snow this year not so much as a flurry.  Anyway, stay warm folks and thanks for dropping by to see me. Hugs! (cause, yeah, I'm a hugger)


Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Ohhhhh, I just love that door!!! Heck, I love your studio. If that was mine, I would never leave it!!!


Kathy said...


Pam @ Frippery said...

That looks fantastic. Your entire room is just beautiful. Oh and so organized. We are the same here on the snow. Tons of loveliness last year and almost springlike this year. I am hoping the forecast for tonight is correct. I do love snow. If it's winter it should be white!

Laurie said...

Gorgeous! But what I love even more is your blog design! So pretty!

Gail said...

It all looks fantastic! I'd never leave, that's for sure.
Love that door and the mirror!!!!

Kim Gillian said...

Hmmmm..I just saw a old door in someones trash pile,wonder if I should get it!!

-Kim :0

Wendy said...

Love the door on the wall idea. It looks great. I'm soon moving my studio upstairs so you've got me thinking about how to decorate it. Thanks for sharing.

Wendy said...

Oh I forgot to ask you how you made those cool paper pompoms?

art by wendy said...

I love the door idea! actually I love everything in that room! can we trade craft rooms? :O)

Lynn Stevens said...

The door looks awesome on the wall. it won't have a blank space for long! Your studio looks so Wonderful. I told hubby today I want to take everything out and redo mine, yeah like thats gonna happen! LOL
Maybe this summer when its warmer!
Hugs Lynn

Elly said...

Omg..omg...your studio looks so beautiful. Love all your creations, findings and how you decorate it. As Marsha said, if that was my studio, i also wouldn't leave it.(:o)

E Makes Art said...

Wow, your studio is looking amazing! You have skills lady!! Love the door idea!


Oh, and I'm a hugger too, lol!

My Grama's Soul said...

I LOVE everything I see here.


Sztuk Kilka said...

great idea with these door :)

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